This project focuses on redesigning individual features of the atlas navigation and the reasonings why all wrapped up into a clean MVP to pass off to dev’s.
I assisted in leading the first NZA UX team and the first solution my team tackled was a redesign of the current zoning atlas to make it more interactive and intuitive for our users.
When determining how users currently navigate the atlas they were met with the same issues as the UX team.
Overall, the original website scored a fairly low usability score that confirmed the issues with the initial audit. Users weren't able to navigate easily, struggled with understanding the menu, and being frustrated with the tutorial. This gave us room to create different solutions.
Redesign for accessibility
including color and contrast
Organize the menu to be more intuitive in UI and vocabulary
Make navigation and education minimal in the legend design
Along with minimizing the menu as a whole, the font was adjusted in size and color to fit WCAG standards. Base colors for the map were also revised to accommodate colorblind users, even before they adjust style preferences.
The menu was reorganized to allow the user to navigate it with less trouble.
Various UI components were added to allow users more autonomy in making the atlas unique to their needs.